Sales Policy
To ensure absolute accuracy, please send a confirming fax (574.258.4865) for all orders placed with Deco-Chem. Deco-Chem is not responsible for the errors that may result from a verbal phone order. Should this type of error occur then normal returns procedures would apply.
You must have a Returns Goods Authorization number to return any product to Deco-Chem, Inc. PLEASE NOTE: Any product without a R.G.A number will be refused by our receiving department. All returns must be pre-paid freight. No return for restock will be issued for products that are custom color- matched or manufactured by specific request of the customer. However, these types of products certainly would carry normal warranty. All standard products returned in original condition for restocking will be charged a 30% restocking fee. This charge will be based on the products invoiced price. Final disposition and acceptance of this return will be determined by Deco-Chem quality assurance department.
All products carry a 180 day warranty against product performance failure as a result of manufacture’s defect in the product. Should you incur a problem, immediately call our technical staff with the products formula number and batch date. Upon receiving this information we will evaluate the sample retained in our laboratory. In future action is required we may request a wet product sample along with printed substrate samples. Once a final disposition is obtained and the product is defective then it would be modified or replace by Deco-Chem, Inc.
If you have any questions regarding our sales policy or to please an order, please email info@decochem.com or call us at 574.259.3787.